CM11.0 KitKat (Android 4.4.4) for Nook Tablet (SDC/IMG) (01OCT2014)


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CM11.0 KitKat (Android 4.4.2) for Nook Tablet (SDC/IMG) (03JUN2014)

nooktablet KitKat have been out for a while on many devices. I have been busy working to get it running on Nook devices. What are the changes in KitKat?

Nook HD+ is my main tablet and so I spent more time working on it. I spent the last couple of days getting the Nook Tablet running. It was straightforward. The kernel on the Nook Tablet is not great. I have play with it a little, but it is sufficient for now. The device still has bad battery with Wi-Fi on during sleep. Wi-Fi will not connect on wake if you do not keep Wi-Fi on during sleep. You can still turn Wi-Fi off then on to connect. This is partly because Google dropped the TI WPA supplicant support. You also get unknown mac address in status. Not all is bad because there are solutions. KitKat is snappier than Jellybean. You will not see Tablet UI and you cannot switch mount point by editing build.prop. Screen record is not working on OMAP devices yet.

Here are some recommendations for the device. I recommend turning off Wi-Fi (swipe down from Status bar and select Wi-Fi tile from the Quick Settings panel) before you put the device to sleep and turning on Double-tap to sleep (Settings>Interface>Status bar> Double-tap to sleep, status bar is the top bar) or “go to sleep” tile.  If you do not like booting into landscape lock-screen then turn on Rotate lock screen (Settings>Display>Rotation>Rotate lock screen).

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